Are You Body-Shaming Yourself?

Who would have thought that at any point in our future more than half of our population (here in the US) would be overweight? Further, at what point did it become “ok” to  mention people’s weight issues to them? I remember when I was younger that...

How to Stop Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is when you want to be, do, or have something and then (somehow) do things to make sure that you don’t actually manifest it. Of course, self-sabotage can (and usually does) apply to multiple areas of our lives, today I want to focus specifically on...

Scents That Suppress Hunger and Appetite

Hunger and appetite can be a hard thing to overcome because there are such a wide variety of triggers: hormones, stress, fatigue, and lack of quality sleep are all potential landmines.But for emotional eaters trying lose weight, trying to suppress our overactive...

How to Stay Focused on Long Term Goals in the Face of Temptation

Note: this post is somewhat excerpted from the Impulsive Ketocast episode 50 with Ben McDonald, with some additional material and thoughts. If you’d like to listen to the podcast in its entirety, you can do so here: With the...

Food Addictions and Cravings

For some people, food addiction is very much like drug addiction. The chemicals in our engineered food  can create a biochemical dependency that cannot be controlled by willpower alone. Just like certain drugs can lead to chemical addictions in the body and...