Top 4 Things I WISH I Knew When I Was Battling My Emotional Eating

Blog It wasn’t (just) about the food Traditional diets kept telling me that it was a simple problem of math: calories in versus calories out. Food gurus and puritans lead me to believe it was the types and kinds of foods I was eating. And so, I just kept trying...

How to Stop Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is when you want to be, do, or have something and then (somehow) do things to make sure that you don’t actually manifest it. Of course, self-sabotage can (and usually does) apply to multiple areas of our lives, today I want to focus specifically on...

How to Journal for Emotional Clarity

One of the best ways to gain understanding about your experience is by journaling or writing about your thoughts and feelings. Especially if you have emotions you are struggling with or confused about. Writing about them can help you understand them better.You don’t...

Scents That Suppress Hunger and Appetite

Hunger and appetite can be a hard thing to overcome because there are such a wide variety of triggers: hormones, stress, fatigue, and lack of quality sleep are all potential landmines.But for emotional eaters trying lose weight, trying to suppress our overactive...

Ever-Growing List of Non-Food Rewards

I wanted to come up with a list of non-food related rewards because treats and rewards are a huge thing for many emotional eaters. And a quick something-search pulled up a lot of ideas that I just didn’t feel were helpful. For example, folks who suggest you get...

5 Tips For Improving Your Emotional Coping Skills

Knowing how you feel and why you feel that way is known as being emotionally aware. Understanding the full gamut of our emotions helps us relate to friends, family, and even strangers. It helps us clarify and realize what we want and can even help us decide what...