Craving Sugar After Meals
How do I stop craving sugar after meals ?
Depending on the party line you’re currently subscribed to, you may get a handful of differing opinions. Some people may tell you to up your fat (Have a fat bomb!). Others will tell you to lower your carbs. Or eat pickles. “Health Coaches” will tell you to eat some fresh fruit or nut butter. And truthfully, if any of those works for you, then go for it.
But here’s the thing, upping your fat may unintentionally close your calorie deficit. And no matter what anyone tells you – calories do matter. SO adding an extra dollop or two of fat may stall your weight loss completely – or worse may make you gain.
Fruit contains fructose. And while that’s a more natural form of sugar, it’s likely to prime your craving pumps for more in the future. Nuts and nut butters are also problem foods for some people. Keeping in mind that when I say “problem” I mean that some people have trouble moderating their intake of them. They are also macro powerhouses. They usually contain fat, protein, and carbs. A single ounce of almonds has 165 calories, and 6.1 carbs (total).
You can make a crave-busting warm drink that similar to hot chocolate by mixing 1 tbsp or unsweetened cocoa powder with 1-2 tsp of coconut or MCT oil in hot water and adding a non-sugar sweetener of choice.) But again, that will add fat, carbs, and calories.
I encourage you to try a few things and see what works for you.
But I also want you to think about this: why MUST your cravings be stopped? What’s wrong with a craving? Your question assumes that cravings are inherently bad. Or (worse) that you are bad or weak for having them. Or that because you have a craving you must give into it.
There are NO RULES that say you have to give in.
If you decide to not give in, then what’s the big deal with having them? If your life were at stake (Give in and DIE!), I’m guessing you would probably just deal with them. Giving in in any form will not make them go away. And in fact, any of the solutions I’ve provided above WON’T make them stop – not permanently.
What you really want is for cravings to not be bothersome. So what do you do when something (or someone) is bothering you? Ignore it. Focus on something else. Do something (anything) else. Give something else your attention.
Make a list of things you can do when a craving shows up and make a point to try them. This is far more constructive (and not detrimental) to your plan than eating something in an attempt to stop them.
“Short Answer: Why MUST your cravings be stopped? What’s wrong with a craving? Your question assumes that cravings are inherently bad. Or (worse) that you are bad or weak for having them. Or that because you have a craving you must give into it.”