I Can’t Get Back On Track
This one may sound harsh but, I want to invite you to stop lying to yourself. You say you can’t stop. But that’s isn’t true. You can stop – you just won’t make yourself.
In the case of putting food into your mouth – you are always in control.
What you are really saying is that the pain and inflammation and not being able to walk aren’t good enough reasons for you to avoid the sweets and grains.
So, then I have to ask – what is? What would be an important enough reaosn to quit these offending items? What would we have to do to make you stop them?
Dive deep and go back to your initial motivations for quitting them. Are they still there? If they are then you may have what you need to get back on track. If they aren’t then you may have to find new (and imprved) reasons to get back on track.
“Short Answer: You say you can’t stop. But that’s isn’t true. You can stop – you just won’t make yourself.”