Journaling Can Help Your Tapping Practice

Do you sometimes find you don’t know what to say when tapping? If you are new to tapping ( FasterEFT/EFT ) or have been tapping for some time, you’ve probably seen some awesome practitioners do some amazing things, and help others clear their issues, traumas, and anything else that’s bothering them. You may have even tried to tap on yourself. But when you start getting to the root of your problem, you find you just don’t know what to say. Something I frequently hear from clients in our follow-up sessions is that they don’t know what words to say while tapping. Believe it or not, there’s a tool in your toolbox, you may have been overlooking: your journal.

Make Your Diary or Journal into Your Own Personal Tapping Manual

Whether you are already writing daily (a very good habit) or not, the first thing you might be thinking is, do I really have to write in this thing every day? For many, the idea of keeping a journal is akin to keeping a diary like you did when you were a kid. But that’s not how it has to be. In a single day, you have millions of thoughts (some you are conscious of, many you are not). Some of these thoughts may contain insights into the problems you’re facing. Those thoughts, feelings, words, and phrases, whatever it is – are the path to what you’re struggling with. Unfortunately, thoughts often float away as quickly as they come in our stream of consciousness before we can make any use of them.That’s when a journal or diary becomes very handy.Sure it can be a tome containing the dramatic and traumatic chapters of your life ( because these references can be useful too), but it should also contain an ongoing record of stray thoughts and feelings that, under the microscope, can help you solve the puzzle. A journal is a profound tool that can be more powerful than you might think.

Unfortunately, thoughts often float away as quickly as they come in our stream of consciousness before we can make any use of them. That’s when a journal or diary becomes very handy.Sure it can be a tome containing the dramatic and traumatic chapters of your life ( because these references can be useful too), but it should also contain an ongoing record of stray thoughts and feelings that, under the microscope, can help you solve the puzzle. A journal is a profound tool that can be more powerful than you might think.

Write Down Anything  and Everything

On journaling: Don’t judge it. Just write it. No one will ever read it except you. Screw proper punctuation and grammar. Leave your inner editor out of this. For example, you’re driving home from work, replaying the day in your head and you start thinking about how Peter made you mad. When you get home, write it down.You can write:“Peter thinks he’s so much smarter than me. I know just as much about this job as he does.Then, when you’re tapping you may be able to Pick, Poke, and Provoke to amplify your feelings:

  • “Peter’s smarter than me.”
  • “They’re all smarter than me.”
  • “I can’t get it right.”

Or simply aim at it:

  • “I feel so dumb.”
  • “The weight of my stupidity.”

Most of the time, Pick, Poke and Provoke works well for me. Because even though I may feel dumb, or stupid, (or fill in the blank) at my core I know I’ve done really smart things in my life, and therefore I can’t always and eternally be dumb. (Right?)
But, you can also use those insights when you’re tapping on any of the other meridian points. The important thing is that you use these recollections to really tune into the feelings they provoke.

You don’t need a fancy, leather-bound personal journal from the bookstore either; a simple notepad that fits in your handbag or pocket will do.

You’ll be surprised at just how much insight you’ll be able to gain into your emotional rhythms, and you’ll turbo-charge your tapping as well. Give it a try!

Do you keep a journal? If not, why not? If so, let us know. Share your experiences with us in the comments below!


The 30 Day Emotional Eating & Journaling Challenge

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Christy R. Hall

Christy R. Hall is a Wellness Mindset Coach & Emotional Alchemist. She focuses on helping people change their lives from the inside out. Trained in hypnosis, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), various Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), she has numerous skills to help clients achieve real and lasting change. Christy says, “When you know how the mind works, it’s easy to make changes.” Christy fancies herself to be a Jedi Master, a verbal Ninja, and a Mindset Architect. In her free time, she spins yarn (both literally spinning fiber into yarn, as well as, writing), crochets for charity, watches silly cat videos, looks at pictures of Corgis, and plays massively multiplayer online games. Her current favorite is Elder Scrolls Online.