30 Day Emotional Eating & Journaling Challenge

Revealed: How to develop your personal emotional eating recovery roadmap in as little as 30 days. One minute, you’re religiously adhering to your plan, but then stress hits and the next next thing you know you’re hiding in the pantry scarfing down a box of donuts. Do...

Healthy Chocoholic

Addicted to Chocolate? END YOUR CHOCOLATE ADDICTION In this 13 page eGuide and accompanying video you will:  Glean actionable tips to Crush Cravings.  Learn to eat chocolate in moderation.  Discover the healthy substitute that gives you the TOTAL...

Stick To Your Guns

Caving In To Peer Pressure? It's time to tell them No means NO. SHOOT DOWN FOOD PUSHERS Are social events the hardest? Lots of alcohol and AMAZING food! It’s torture! I used cave to in and eat like everyone else at family events. Weekend meals with friends turned into...

Got Cravings?

Got Cravings? Give 'em the boot! KICK THEM TO THE CURB, BABY! Cravings – when given in to – can be detrimental to your health and well-being. If it’s time to take charge of your cravings, you’re in luck! You can grab my sugar, chemical, carb,...