Quiz Your Food: 5 Questions To Ask Before You Eat

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Hi guys it’s Christy.

I’m coming to you today with a little exercise I like to call

Quiz Your Food.

Every day, every week, every month, every year – we make these lofty goals of eating healthier. We look up meal plans on Pinterest and we pin all these healthy and delicious and drool-worthy foods that we have every intention of making one day. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the planning and the pinning and the drooling –  that we forget that there are simple, easy decisions that we can make every day that will create lasting change for us.

Because what we really want to do is make those small incremental changes that can be sustained over time because it’s those changes, not these large sweeping changes that we make, but the small incremental changes that really make the difference between the lifestyle changes that you want and living the life that you always been living.

And so every time you choose to eat, I want you to ask yourself these questions because they’re gonna help you make the conscious decisions, again on a daily basis – on a meal-to-meal basis, that can lead you to lasting change and healthier habits. Because what we’re really wanting to is transition ourselves from autopilot eaters to mindful, conscious, intuitive eaters.

And so without further ado:

    1. Will this improve my health or work against my health goals?
    2. Will this provide me with energy and a healthy way?
    3. Is this a balanced meal or snack?
    4. Do I need this or do I want this?
    5. Is this abundant in nutrients or  abundant in chemicals?

Now, you may be thinking, “Well, that’s that a lot of questions, Christy.” But really, when it comes right down to it, what we’re really talking about, what we’re really trying to focus on is the difference between hunger and cravings. The difference between being hungry in your body and feeling the impulse or the craving.

And when we experience hunger and/or cravings to feed our bodies in ways that are beneficial for us. So, if you already know that you have problems with dairy or gluten, then that’s not something that you should be providing your body with even though you have a craving for it. And the fact that you do have a craving for it and you’re not necessarily hungry you, those are going to be your yellow flags or your red flags that let you know that this is not something that you need to be eating.

And again junk food, which would be higher in chemicals – lower in nutrients they’re not really going to do a lot for you on the whole and it’s not going to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Does that mean that you can’t have junk food ever again? Absolutely not.

You can have junk food whenever you want it. What I teach my clients is to eat along what I call the spectrum of food because, in my view, everything has its place. I don’t think that one diet works for everyone. No single one way of eating works for everyone. What works awesome for me may not work awesome for you. And so when we work together we do the footwork, we become detectives to really sleuth out what works for you and what doesn’t work for you so that you can live your life not paying attention to calories and fat grams and carbs. Not necessarily having to do battle and go to war with yourself because something looks or sounds or whatever seems really good. You’re looking on a menu and you’re seeing it, drooling over something.

When you’re eating what’s right for your body, it’s natural, it’s easy, it doesn’t take a whole lot of effort, and it’s enjoyable – and there are no bad or poor consequences for what you eat. Because if you eliminated the things that you have problems with, you’re no longer eating out of the state of craving and you’re more in alignment, you’re more balanced, and from that place the every day meals that you eat are enjoyable and the occasional indulgences don’t make you fall off the wagon.

So I hope this is been helpful for you I’d like for you to use these questions and these ideas to quiz yourself or quiz your food before you in a start stuffing your face, again, to help you make more conscious decisions for your health and your well-being.

Again, my name is Christy Hall and I’m so glad you have joined me. If you have any concerns, questions, or comments at leftish rhythm and musical reach out to me at my website ChristyRHall.com or at mywellnesshypnosis.com.

Thanks and I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.

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Christy R. Hall

Christy R. Hall is a Wellness Mindset Coach & Emotional Alchemist. She focuses on helping people change their lives from the inside out. Trained in hypnosis, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), various Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), she has numerous skills to help clients achieve real and lasting change. Christy says, “When you know how the mind works, it’s easy to make changes.” Christy fancies herself to be a Jedi Master, a verbal Ninja, and a Mindset Architect. In her free time, she spins yarn (both literally spinning fiber into yarn, as well as, writing), crochets for charity, watches silly cat videos, looks at pictures of Corgis, and plays massively multiplayer online games. Her current favorite is Elder Scrolls Online.